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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

Find the answers you need, fast. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding all aspects of the HeadCount CMMS platform, from setup to advanced features.

Detailed illustration of Headcount CMMS user guide, highlighting accessible and comprehensive software documentation.

User Management for Technicians

The User Management section in HeadCount CMMS is designed to help technicians manage their profile, teams, and settings efficiently. Here's a breakdown of what you can do:


Profile Section



-Personal Information: Edit your profile picture, name, job title, about section, and phone numbers.

-Metrics: View the number of teams you belong to, buildings you have access to, and active schedules.

-Lists: See your maintenance and compliance access.

Teams Section



-Overview: Manage and view your teams.

-Features: Search for teams by name, sort them alphabetically, and toggle between card and table views.

-Team Cards: Each card shows team member photos, the number of members, the team name, and a description. Buttons allow you to email the team or view more details.

-Team Details Modal: Displays team name, description, number of members, organization, and admin creator. Includes a search bar, sort button, and a table with team member details.

Settings Tab



-Privacy Settings: Adjust who can see your information.

-Preferences: Choose options like dark mode and default app settings.

-Change Password: Update your password securely.