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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

Find the answers you need, fast. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding all aspects of the HeadCount CMMS platform, from setup to advanced features.

Detailed illustration of Headcount CMMS user guide, highlighting accessible and comprehensive software documentation.

Profile Section for Technicians

The Profile section in HeadCount CMMS allows technicians to manage and update their personal information, ensuring their profiles are accurate and up-to-date.


Accessing Your Profile




-Go to the User Management section.

-Select the Profile tab.

Profile Details




-Teams: View the number of teams you belong to.

-Buildings: See buildings you have access to.

-Schedules: Check your active schedules.

Profile Information:



-Edit Personal Info: Update your profile picture, name, job title, and about section.

-Contact Details: Edit your phone numbers.




-Maintenance Access: Review your maintenance permissions.

-Compliance Access: Check your compliance credentials.

Editing Your Profile



-Profile Picture: Click on the picture to upload a new one.

-Name and Job Title: Edit your name and job title directly in the profile.

-About Section: Provide a brief description about yourself.

-Phone Numbers: Add or update your contact numbers.

Viewing Profile Information



-Metrics Display: At the top of your profile, see key metrics such as team memberships and access details.

-User Information: Below the metrics, view and edit your personal information.


For more information on how to set up and manage your profile, please visit our Technician Profile Guide.