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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

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Request Portals for Technicians

What are Request Portals?


Request Portals are customizable forms that are publicly accessible on the web, allowing users to submit work requests. As a technician, you have specific options to interact with these portals to streamline your workflow.


Accessing and Using Portals


When you navigate to the Maintenance app and select "Request Portals" from the left navigation bar, you will see a list of all available portals. Here's how you can interact with these portals:


Portal Interaction Options

1. Submit a Work Request

This option allows direct submission of maintenance requests.



-Access a detailed form

-Provide comprehensive information about the task or issue

-Submit the completed form to the designated portal


2. Visit Portal

Explore the public-facing interface of the request portal.



-View the form as end-users see it

-Understand the user experience for request submission

-Gain insights to improve user assistance


3. View Portal QR Code

Access the QR code associated with each portal.



-Display the code for easy scanning

-Useful for placement in common areas or near equipment

-Enables quick access for users to submit requests


4. Copy Portal Link

Easily share portal access.



-Copy the portal URL to your clipboard

-Share via various communication methods

-Integrate into other systems or documents as needed


Effective Use of Portal Tools

Utilizing these options allows you to:



-Efficiently manage maintenance requests

-Respond promptly to reported issues

-Streamline the resolution process


For more information on using portals, please watch our Technician Portal Usage Video.