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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

Find the answers you need, fast. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding all aspects of the HeadCount CMMS platform, from setup to advanced features.

Detailed illustration of Headcount CMMS user guide, highlighting accessible and comprehensive software documentation.

Settings Tab for Technicians

The Settings tab in HeadCount CMMS provides technicians with tools to manage their privacy settings, application preferences, building configurations, and account security.


General Tab

Privacy Settings:



-Share Work Phone Number: Enable this toggle to share your work phone number with other users.

-Share Mobile Phone Number: Enable this toggle to share your mobile phone number with other users.




-Dark Mode: Enable dark mode for a visual experience that is easier on the eyes.

-Default App: Choose which application should load by default when signing in to HeadCount CMMS.

My Buildings Tab

Building Management:



-Building List: View all the buildings you are associated with.

-Default Building: Select a building as your default to filter the app and show only relevant information.

-Request Portals: Manage request portals for each building to streamline maintenance requests.

-Save/Reset: Click the save button to confirm your changes or the reset button to clear all configurations and start over.

Password Tab

Change Password:



Update Password: Use this section to change your password. Enter your current password, followed by your new password, and confirm the new password to complete the update.


Important Note

The email address is case-sensitive. Ensure accuracy to preventlogin issues.