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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

Find the answers you need, fast. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding all aspects of the HeadCount CMMS platform, from setup to advanced features.

Detailed illustration of Headcount CMMS user guide, highlighting accessible and comprehensive software documentation.

Settings Tab for Vendors

The Settings tab in HeadCount CMMS allows vendors to customize their application preferences. This guide will walk you through the available settings options for vendors.


Accessing the Settings Section

To access your settings:



-Click on the User Icon in the top right corner.

-Select Settings from the left navigation bar.

Preferences Section

On the Settings page, you can adjust the following preferences to enhance your user experience:


Dark Mode



-Enable Dark Mode: Toggle this option to switch to a dark theme, which is easier on the eyes, especially in low-light environments.

Default App



-Default App Selection: Choose which application should load by default when signing in to HeadCount CMMS. You can select between HeadCount's Compliance App and the Maintenance App. This ensures you start your session in the app that is most relevant to your work.