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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

Find the answers you need, fast. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding all aspects of the HeadCount CMMS platform, from setup to advanced features.

Detailed illustration of Headcount CMMS user guide, highlighting accessible and comprehensive software documentation.

Teams Section for Vendors

The Teams section in HeadCount CMMS is designed to help vendors efficiently manage and view their teams, promoting streamlined workflows and better collaboration with the organizations they serve.


Accessing the Teams Section

Navigate to the Teams section:



-Click on the Teams tab in the left navigation bar or in the mobile navigation dropdown.

Teams Page Overview

On the Teams page, you will find:



-Team Cards: Each card represents a team you are part of.

-Search Bar: Located at the top, it allows you to search for teams by name.

-Sort Button: Organize teams alphabetically in ascending or descending order.

-View Toggle: Switch between card and table views using the view button.

Team Cards

Each team card provides a quick snapshot of essential information and quick actions:



-Team Member Photos: Displays photos of up to 5 team members.

-Team Details: Shows the total number of team members, team name, and a brief description.

-Action Buttons: Options to email the entire team or view more details about the team.

Viewing and Managing Team Details

Clicking the Details button on a team card opens a detailed view in a modal window:


Team Information



-Team Name and Description: Displays the team name and a brief description.

-Total Members: Shows the total number of team members.

-Organization and Admin Info: Identifies the organization you are collaborating with and the admin who created the team.

Search and Sort



-Search Bar: Quickly find specific team members.

-Sort Button: Organize team members alphabetically.

Team Members Table



The table within the modal provides comprehensive information about each team member:


-Member List: Lists all team members, displaying their names, emails, organizations, and user roles.

-Profile Access: Each entry includes a button to view the member's detailed profile.

Member Details



-Name and Email: Displays the name and email address of each member.

-Organization: Shows the organization they belong to.

-User Role: Indicates the user role within the team.

-Profile Access: Button to view detailed profile information for each member.