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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

Find the answers you need, fast. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding all aspects of the HeadCount CMMS platform, from setup to advanced features.

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Vendor Dashboard

Welcome to the Dashboards page of the Vendor User Guide. This page serves as the landing page for vendors, providing a comprehensive overview of your work analytics. Here, you can access various dashboards that offer insights into your assigned and completed work orders, time spent on tasks, average processing times, and more.


Dashboards Overview

The Dashboards page is designed to give you a quick and detailed look at your performance metrics. All dashboards are on the same page, and you cannot view them individually. Here’s what you can expect to find:


Vendor Assigned Work Orders

This dashboard displays the number of work orders currently assigned to you.


Vendor Assigned Work Orders By Portals

This chart shows the breakdown of your assigned work orders by different portals.


Vendor Completed Work Orders

Here, you can see the total number of work orders you have completed.


Vendor Completed Work Orders By Portals

This chart categorizes your completed work orders by different portals, giving you a clear view of the distribution of your tasks.


Vendor Time Spent

This section tracks the total hours you have spent on your assigned tasks.


Vendor Time Spent By Portals

This chart provides a breakdown of the time you spent on tasks by different portals, allowing you to see how your time is allocated across different areas.


Vendor Average Processing Time

The average processing time dashboard shows how long it takes you to complete tasks on average.


Vendor Average Processing Time By Portals

This chart breaks down your average processing time by different portals to provide more detailed insights.


Vendor Completed After Due Date

This dashboard tracks the number of tasks you completed after their due date. It helps you identify any delays and areas where you can improve your time management.


Vendor Completed After Due Date By Portals

This chart shows the breakdown of tasks you completed after their due date by different portals.


Navigating the Dashboards

The Dashboards page is the default landing page for vendors, but you can also navigate to it using the left side navigation bar on desktop or the mobile menu located in the top left corner on mobile devices.


Interacting with the Dashboards



-Hover for Details: Hover over some charts to get extra information. However, clicking on the charts does not provide additional functionality.

-View All at Once: All the dashboards are displayed on the same page, giving you a comprehensive overview without the need to navigate between different views.

These dashboards are designed to provide you with the information you need to optimize your workflow and improve your efficiency. Regularly check your dashboards to stay updated on your performance metrics.


If you have any questions or need further assistance with using the dashboards, please refer to the other sections of the Vendor User Guide or contact our support team.