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HeadCount CMMS User Guide

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Admin Dashboard Guide


The Admin Dashboard in HeadCount provides a comprehensive view of important metrics and data. This guide will help you navigate and utilize the dashboard effectively.


Accessing the Dashboard



-Default Landing Page: Upon logging in, you are taken directly to the dashboard page.


-Navigating to Dashboard: You can also access the dashboard via the left bar navigation by clicking the dashboard tab or, on mobile, by clicking the navigation menu and selecting the dashboard tab from the dropdown.


Dashboard Layout


The dashboard is divided into two main sections:



-Header: Contains controls for managing dashboards.


-Body: Displays the charts.


Header Controls



-Left Side: The Dashboard toggle allows switching between different dashboards and creating new ones.


-Right Side: The selections button lets you filter analytics by specific technicians or vendors. There's also a refresh button to update the charts.


Dashboard Library Modal



-Access: Click the dashboard button to open the Dashboard Library Modal.


-Tabs: Choose from five tabs – All Dashboards, Building, Portal, User, and Custom.


-Dashboard Cards: Each tab displays cards representing different dashboard configurations. You can delete, favorite, go to, or edit any dashboard using the icons on each card.


Creating and Editing Dashboards



-Edit Mode: Click the edit icon on any dashboard card to enter edit mode.


-Options Dropdown: In edit mode, click the options button (three dots in a circle) to add a chart, add a widget, save, or delete the dashboard.


Adding Charts and Widgets



-Adding a Chart: Select 'Add a Chart' and follow the steps to:


1. Select an Analytic to View.

2. Add optional filters.

3. Customize selections based on filters.

4. Choose the type of chart (e.g., bar graph, pie grid).




-Adding a Widget: Add preselected chart sections that provide overall information like time, building pictures, or floorplan images.


Custom Dashboards



-Creating Custom Dashboards: Select the custom tab in the Dashboard Library and click the + button to build a dashboard from scratch.


Saving Changes



-Important: Always click the save button after making changes to save your updates.